Resident’s Bill of Rights Resolution to be Introduced



The housing crisis isn’t over. In fact, for many of us, it has only become harder to live in Santa Fe. Over half of all Santa Feans are “cost-burdened” with housing costs, paying over 30% of their income on rent. Even worse is that 1 in 3 Santa Feans are “severely cost-burdened” by housing costs, paying over 50% of their income on rent. People of Color are disproportionately affected by this.

Because of this, many low wage workers are moving farther away from the city’s center, to areas with fewer resources and public transportation options, creating a cycle of poverty and leading to a Santa Fe that is increasingly segregated.

Over the past year, Chainbreaker members have been working hard confront this issue and ensure that development in Santa Fe benefits all residents. Chainbreaker members have been riding buses, talking to friends, neighbors and family members to identify the key problems with housing in Santa Fe and identify potential policy solutions. We’ve hosted dozens of house meetings and collected hundreds of testimonials from the people most impacted by Santa Fe’s housing crisis.

Through this process, Chainbreaker members have created a Resident’s Bill of Rights to provide policy makers with a framework that can guide them as they make the decisions about housing and city planning that affect our lives.

This Wednesday, May 6th, a resolution modeled after our Bill of Rights will be introduced to city council. Chainbreaker members will be present to tell our stories, answer questions and the politicos know how important this Bill of Rights is for our community.

Please join us THIS WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 at 6:30 PM at City Hall!