Bill of Rights Resolution at Public Works Committee THIS MONDAY

The Resident’s Bill of Rights Resolution is scheduled to be heard by the City’s Public Works Committee THIS MONDAY, June 22 at 5PM at City Hall. This is the first step toward creating a foundation to keep Santa Fe livable for all Santa Feans and hold policy makers accountable.

Councilors Dominguez and Bushee are two supporters of the resolution who sit on the Committee. Please contact them and thank them for their support.

Councilors Trujillo, Dimas and Rivera also sit on the Committee and have yet to pledge support. Please contact them and ask them to vote in favor of the Resident’s Bill of Rights Resolution.

This is a grassroots movement. We can’t win without people like you getting involved. We are knocking doors, riding buses, making phone calls and talking to our neighbors to spread the word. Contact us to participate in the campaign!